‘The Truth is Rarely Pure and Never Simple.’

~ Oscar Wilde

The Bête Noire of the Long Forgotten Dead. Wanderer Among Unquiet Graves. Mistress of The Foppotee. Weaver of Tales for The Polite Tourist.

With Quill and Ink By Candlelight. ‘Fac Quod Faciendum Est.’

The Lady Brigante most cordially invites curious minds and those of a discerning spirit to cross the threshold and step inside a twilight world rife with mysterious happenstance and feats of every egregious kind.

As each tale will unfurl a precious truth – a pseudonym, nom de plume or ananym will most certainly be employed within the pages of this site to protect those folk who enjoy something of a rather dubious reputation.

Panel 1

The Bête Noire of the Forgotten Dead

‘Twixt Night and Morn!

The Lady Brigante loves nothing more than shocking unsuspecting folk with the tale that she was abandoned at birth by gypsies and raised en famille with kindly mice in the crypt of an old church.

Alas! The truth is altogether more unremarkable!

Described as the bête noire of the long forgotten dearly departed – the Lady B is a storyteller, a sleuth of infamy and seeker of the dead.

in which the lady writes…

‘Twixt Night And Morn.

My Lady Brigante!

The truth is altogether more unremarkable for although blessed with an illustrious lineage – Lady B was in truth raised in genteel affluence in the City of York.

The Door to Hell?

As dawn broke one chilly February morning – a local tinsmith walked from his workshop in Fossgate towards the notorious passageway known as Black Horse Passage.

Waking the Dead?

With the door of an atelier closed for the day – it is possible to catch a glimpse of a celebrated storyteller wandering through the unquiet streets and secret passages in a quest to wake the dead.

Guest Post. Creepy Cat.

Katherine Kerestman was visiting England to research her second macabre travel book. She had not known that she was fated to meet a new friend on her first night in England – THE Lady Brigante.

Subscribe to the Brigante Chronicles?

For all of the whispers from the archives and unquiet graveyards of a celebrated seeker of the dead – sign up to ‘The Brigante Chronicles’ and step inside a twilight world rife with mysterious happenstance and feats of every egregious kind.

Bravo! You Are Now Subscribed!

A Mourning Walk?

“As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears.”


Would you like to enjoy a unique and private stroll far from the maddening crowds through the secret passages and old snickelways of the City of York including a wander along the riverside?

Why not take A Mourning Walk with the Lady Brigante one evening and learn of the long-forgotten dead?

And there will also be the opportunity to learn something of an ancient city’s most infamous ghosts along the walk.

Walk Awhile?


On a recent visit to England, this writer was delighted to make the acquaintance of a fellow devotee of the macabre: the Grande Dame of the Night, Lady Brigante.

The eloquent Lady turned out to be a fellow Necropolis Hunter, Grave Digger, and Browser through Dusty Archives; in short, a dark soul-mate.

Placing my trust in the erudition and resourcefulness of Lady Brigante, I allowed her to lead me on a walking tour through the dark, narrow, and labyrinthine streets of York; and I found myself spellbound by the Dark Lady’s tales of history, murder, and highwaymen.

After the tour, we enjoyed a nightcap at a haunted, historic pub. This cat is looking forward to her next opportunity of skulking the streets and graveyards of Yorkshire with Lady Brigante.”

~ Katherine Kerestman
Author Creepy Cat’s Macabre Travels

Panel 2 Placeholder
Panel 3

Storyteller. Seeker of the Dead.

We’re All Stories, in the End’

~ Steven Moffatt

‘I am pregnant and have been suffering from severe sickness and have been living in a quiet area of York with my husband and our young son until things took a turn for the worse one chilly February evening.

As my post mortem examination revealed that I had died as a result of a brain haemorrhage caused by some kind of mysterious ingested poison – an inquest into my death was soon opened.’

Suffering Alone.

‘I am a soldier with the 10th Hussars and on a chilly January morning in 1889 – I was found hanging from a pole in the stable block of the York Cavalry Barracks.

On the day following my death the city coroner opened the inquest at our military hospital and as a succession of witnesses stepped forward to offer testimony – my tragic story would unfold.’

Privately Unwell?

Panel 4

Waking the Dead of York and Beyond

With the coming of dusk…

As nightfall beckons – it is possible to catch a glimpse of a celebrated storyteller and infamous sleuth clad in a distinctive black coat wandering through the unquiet streets and secret passages of the City of York, Scarborough, Leeds and beyond in a quest to wake the dead.

ordinary folk. extraordinary deaths.

And for those of a curious and hardy temperament – why not come along to the ancient City of York, Scarboro’, Leeds or beyond and listen to The Polite Tourist as they share with you the tales of the illustrious, the miscreants, artists, misfits and those ordinary folk who have ALL been lost to history – until now!

However, for those of a sensitive nature who are averse to real stories of tears, heartache and tragedy – a walk through the unquiet streets and secret passages of the City of York, Scarborough, Leeds and beyond with The Polite Tourist may NOT be to your taste.

Who or What is The Polite Tourist?

The Polite Tourist offers true crime walks through Victorian history. Through York, Scarboro’, Leeds and beyond.

Innovative, meticulously researched and inspired by true crime stories from the Victorian era – our walks are designed to offer an informative and unique experience with a professional and spirited storyteller.

Browse the shelves of our emporium for the deliciously unusual or become a fellow taphophile on the forum Beneath Thy Feet to quench those unanswered questions or dispel gossip from truth!